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Sunday, May 2, 2010


I felt that doing this blog I learned a lot and I have discovered much more than what I had already knew about basketball and the NBA. This blog has helped me show people what players are better than which and which teams are better than others. While doing this blog there have been some difficult things I ran into and also easy things I ran into. Some of the hard things I ran into were Find players and teams stats and adding them together to find totals. Also comparing players and teams stats against each other to see which team or player is better. It was hard for me to choose topics to write about. The easy things I did while doing this blog were finding appropriate videos and pictures that went a log with my blogs. While doing this blog I learned that blogging is a good way to tell people about something you might still need to research or check to make sure you are correct. I learned from this in many ways. I learned how to put a video on to a blog and also add a picture to a blog. I also learned how to blog about a certain topic in many different ways. I learned that if you really take the time to look into a topic you really like you can learn a lot about that topic. You might even find stuff out that you did not know before doing your blog. A blog is an interesting thing to do you get to talk about what ever you want and learn about what ever you want. And for once you get to choose something you actually like to talk about. I thought this whole experience was good for me because I learned how to do many things that will most likely help me later on in my life. Blogging can help you in many ways. It can help you by getting constructive feed back from people to help you blog about stuff and help you learn things you might not of know before that. This also helps you with being able to express your feelings and talk about something really deep in content. Blogs are very good for explaining things and teaching people about things. Blogs are used to inform people and teach people about something they may not know much about. It could also be used to help someone figure something out about a specific topic. Blogs can be fun or annoying they should be fun because you are suppose to be blogging about something you like to talk about or something you like to do. A blog is meant to be a topic you can get people to respond to and talk back to you about your blog. When blogging you should be taking in the responses you get from viewers. Then use their suggestions to make your blog more interesting to people. I think this blog has been a great experience and everyone should try it!

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