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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Larry Bird

This blog will be about Larry Bird one of the all time greats basketball has ever seen. Larry Bird was a great basketball player he played with his heart and played for the love of the game. Larry Bird was a great outside shooter. Larry Bird played for the Celtics he helped lead them to many championships. I will show you Larry Birds stats from his whole career. I will show you how many points he scored how many assists and how many steals he had. First I will start with how many points he scored in his career. Larry Bird scored a total of 21,791 points in his whole career. This is a very high amount of points to score in your career. Larry Bird played for a total of 13 years in the NBA. In those 13 years he changed the game of basketball a lot. He set records he broke records and he destroyed records. Larry Bird was in the NBA from 1979 to 1992. Now I will show you Larry Birds total amount of assist he had while in the NBA. Larry Bird had a total of 5,695 assists in his career. This proves that Larry Bird is not a ball hog he likes to pass and share the ball with his team and still score a lot of points. Alright now I will show you how many steals Larry Bird had in his whole career. Larry Bird had a total of 1,556 steals in his whole career. This proves that Larry Bird was a very good defender also not only just a great offence guy.

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